
Own The Game: Developing a Mind of Steel For Mental Toughness in Sports

Developing a Mind of Steel for Mental Toughness in Sports


OWN THE GAME: Developing a Mind of Steel for Mental Toughness in Sports is a scientifically based, hands-on program designed to immediately improve mental toughness and help athletes reach their full athletic potential. Learn how to develop a holistic training approach that includes key mental toughness training techniques, including confidence development, focus, motivation, and resiliency. Additionally, Dr. Stankovich offers important insights to help athletes get "in the zone" more regularly, as well as stay calm in pressure situations. Finally, key bonus chapters on pre-game routines and eliminating "choking" are included so that athletes can develop a mind of steel and "Own the Game!"

OWN THE GAME will help you:

  • Develop a holistic, maximum production approach to sports training
  • Set effective goals for future success
  • Refine focus so that you reach your full potential
  • Minimize anxiety and maximize self-confidence
  • Get "in the zone" for games and practices
  • Strengthen resiliency and use mistakes as teachable moments
  • BONUS: Learn about pre-game routines that work and techniques to minimize "choking"

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